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Best Writing Tips by Best-Selling Authors


I watched three hours of the best writing tips content on YouTube so you don’t have to. Following are some of the best writing tips and tricks that suggest writing routines and flag post habits to inculcate so that you can write faster, and better. These tips bust some writing myths and state some dos and don’ts. Please read till the end.

Unlock Your Inner Writer! ✍️


Bring your story to life with vivid settings like train stations or graveyards.

Imagine you are writing and you don’t know where to start, Think about a graveyard or a train station and start placing your character in those situations. For example, Tom was in a graveyard, he picked a shovel and started to dig but he wasn’t digging a grave but a barren area….

Generated mystique didn’t it?


Let creativity flow without overthinking. Embrace imperfections and let your story evolve.

Creative writing cannot be forced, although I don’t completely agree with this, I have a set time to write and I try to write something within that time frame. BUT (a huge but) I also don’t force myself to put down X amount of words and take a break to come back to my page later.


Resist the backspace! Draft first, refine later.

The backspace button should not work while you write your first draft. I believe that we are often stuck in the spellings and forget the story is more important. Just let the words flow and come back to the story a bit later.


Consistency is key—thank you, Taylor Jenkins Reid!

Ah! My kind of advice. I do love consistency but it’s not for everyone. I try to write every day and no matter what at least three pages (250 words each) at the minimum. Stephen King does six pages a day and finishes his book in around two months. (I am a fan).


Focus on your story, not the numbers. (Tip from Brit Bennett)

Another advice that I love, I interpret this as solving a problem in a particular scene of a story. I try to think to myself my Character needs to go to Point B from Point A. I just solved the problem of the character going from A to B in a writing session. That’s it. It frees me from thinking about anything else.


Let characters make mistakes and grow naturally, as Adam Silvera suggests.

Characters should mimic people and if you do it properly you will make a great story that people could relate with. Show the shortcomings and show how a person evolves and changes to solve a problem.


Use every free moment to jot down ideas—phone, napkin, anywhere!

If you can’t write in a set time which is understandable you should write any time. Most people have full-time jobs and write in their breaks on their phones, tablets etc. Write anywhere and always carry a pen.


The beginning, middle, or end—get the words on the page.

There’s no set rule that you can’t write the climax first. Write whichever part you feel you want to write and you can return to it later and stitch it together.


Write what interests you, not what others want to read.

One of the best writing quotes. Always write what you want and not what you feel is marketable. Write something that moves you and you want to put out.


The first drafts are for ideas. Refine them later.

First drafts are what they are called. They are drafts and you can always come back to them later. This is my writing inspiration.

What’s your go-to writing tip? Comment back on this email and let us know what your favourite writing tip is.  👇

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